LEU's AGDBMM, Jalgaon

Lewa Educational Union's

Dr. Annasaheb G.D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon

An 'Autonomus College' Affiliated to K.B.C North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade (3rd Cycle) with CGPA 3.12, ISO:2015 Certified Institution


College Devlopment Committe

Sr.No. Name Designation
1 Mr. Nandkumar G. Bendale Chairperson of the Management-Chairperson
2 Prof. N. S. Patil Secretary of the Management
3 Dr. V. J. Patil,Head, Department of Geography One Head of the Department, to be nominated by the Principal
4 1. Dr. J. D. Lekurwale
2. Dr. L.S. Patil
3. Prof. Smt. Ratna Mahajan
Three teachers in the college in the college, elected by the full-time amongst themselves out of whom at least one shall be women
5 Shri. S. S. Borole,Lab Attendant,Department of Botany One Non-teaching employee elected by regular non-teaching staff from amongst themselves
6 1. Dr. Priti Chaudhari, Industrialist
2. Prof. R. D. Rane,Educationist
3. Adv. Jyoti Bhole, Social Service
4. Dr. Madhulika Sonawane, Alumni
Four Local Members nominated by the management in consultation with the principal, from the fields of education, industry, research & social service of whom at least on shall be alumnus.
7 Dr. Smita Chaudhari, Department of Botany Coordinator, Internal Quality Assurance Committee of the College
8 Vacant President and Secretary of the College Students Council
9 Dr. Gauri Milind Rane, Principal Principal of the college, Secretary
10 Dr. P. N. Tayade,Vice Principal,Science faculty Invited Member