LEU's AGDBMM, Jalgaon

Lewa Educational Union's

Dr. Annasaheb G.D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon

An 'Autonomus College' Affiliated to K.B.C North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade (3rd Cycle) with CGPA 3.12, ISO:2015 Certified Institution



The College Library was setup in June 1984 with 312 books. Today it has grown to over 59,000 books with addition of 83 journals/periodicals and e-resources as well.

Growth of the Library collections has been in tune with the growing needs of the staff & the students. The Library has been playing a very significant role in the educational process and it is the heart of the Institution. Library provides knowledge resources to achieve objectives of the Institution and helps in the conservation as well as dissemination of knowledge.

The Library performs a variety of functions by way of collecting information, processing and retrieving the relevant information, helping students and faculty with text books, reference books and journals, as well as by maintaining an efficient reference and information service by providing internet facility and multimedia facility. The Library has 5,680 sq. ft. of built up area and is spread over on three floors.

The Library has network of one server and 9 nodes. The computerization of the library has been done using SOUL 3.0 developed by the INFLIBNET Centre. Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) provides access to the bibliographic database. This facility is also available on android mobile phone as M-OPAC app.


There is open access system for the teachers, under graduate and post graduate students. The Central Library remains open from 7.30 am to 5.30 pm on all working days including vacations. The Reading Room of the Library also remains open from 7.30 am to 11.00 pm.


INFLIBNET & Broadband Internet Connection

The facility is available in the UGC Network Centre, adjacent to the Reading Room for students

Digital Learning Resource Access Centre

It is a digital reading room facility of the college where digitized versions of library resources can be accessed.

Photocopy Of Books & Papers

The facility is available for all UG & PG students.

New Arrivals ‘Magazine & Books’

We regularly add new arrivals in showcase of Magazine Books & Papers

Online Public Access Catalogue

We regularly add to the Online Public Access Catalogue for student’s Information.

List of All Library Programmes

We have List of all Library Programmes for student’s Information..

Advanced Library Software

We have advanced library management software (LIB-MAN) for maintaining all records related to books

Question Papers through QR Code

We provide previous question papers of University examination through QR Technology

Separate PG Reading Room

We have a separate reading room for the Post Graduate Students.

Positive Thoughts Of Week

Every Week we select & circulate positive thoughts on the notice board to motivate all Students.

'Vacha Charitra Ek Tari' Yojana

We inspire students to join 'Vacha Charitra Ek Tari' Yojana to enrich their knowledge.

Mnemonic Card

We provide Mnemonic Cards to all students for library facility purpose.

Library Rules

  • For receiving the Identity card, a student is required to submit her admission receipt.
  • In case the Identity card is lost by the student, a penalty of Rs.50/- is levied on the students and a fresh I card is issued.
  • For UG students book borrowing facility is available from Monday to Saturday between 8:00 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. For PG library Open Access system is adopted.
  • The Online Public Access Catalogue enables the library users to search for books using search keywords such as author, title, subject wise, Publisher etc.
  • While borrowing the books it is the responsibility of the students to check the condition of the book and not to accept books with torn/lost pages. While returning the book, in case it is found torn, then the appropriate penalty will be levied on the student.
  • In case any book is lost, the borrower will have to replace the book with a new book and in case the book is not available, he/she will have to remit an amount equal to five times of the price of the book.
  • Books available in the reading room shall not be taken outside of the reading room. Penalty for such infringement is Rs.50/-.
  • Periodicals, journals and magazines are issued to the students for reading room usage. They cannot be taken home. Penalty for not returning the periodicals on the same day attracts a fine of Rs.50/-.
  • At the time of clearance of library account, identity card /admission receipt is to be produced.

Staff Members


Full Name :- Mr. Shirish A. Zope
(M. Sc., B. Lib. Sc.)
Mobile No : 094215 23414
E-mail :  shirishazope@gmail.com

The Librarian has a total of more than 34 years of professional experience. He is the member of editorial board of quarterly National Journal ‘KLA Bulletin’. He has presented papers in National and International conferences and seminars. He is the Life Member of professional organizations viz. MUCLA, KLA,N-MUCTO.

Admission Process Control & Time Table Committee

Sr No. Name Designation
1 Shri. Y.N.Gaykwad Lib. Clerk
2 Shri. B.B.Gange Lib. Attendant
3 Shri. R.D.Tayade Lib. Attendant
4 Shri. D.R.Koli Lib. Attendant
5 Shri. S.L.Survade Lib. Attendant
6 Shri. D.R.Tadvi Lib. Attendant
7 Shri. C.R.Shivde Lib. Attendant
8 Shri. S.L.Nemade Lib. Attendant

Library Collection

1.Total number of books in the Library. (as on March,31 2023)
Sr No. Section Total Books Price
1 Senior College 43544 1,03,89,171.23
2 Senior Book Bank 2277 3,41,336.41
3 Junior College 7172 10,67,338.45
4 Junior Book Bank 2203 1,25,972.60
5 M.C.V.C. 1301 1,41,838.85
6 Periodicals (Bound Volume) 2361 6,76,886.00
7 Research Thesis 127 0.00
Total Books -> 58985 1,27,42,543.54
8 e-Books 274 1,29,117.00
9 CD/DVD & Cassette 1690 62,831.00
2.Subject wise books (as on March,31 2024)     Download & View PDF

3.Subject wise Periodicals / Journals    Download & View PDF

Useful Links

SrNo. Name
2 NMU Syllabus
3 NMU Question Papers
4 For College Library OPAC
5 Video Tutorials

Useful Links for e-books

SrNo. Name
1 FreeE-Book
2 Blog
3 Virtual books
4 Free e-Books
5 Free Tech Books
6 Bartleby: Geart Books Online
7 Digital Book Index
8 Google Book Search
9 Medical Books
10 FreePDFeBooksArchive
11 Project Gutenberg
12 Read Print
13 WikiBooks
14 Agricultural free e-books
15 ACM Digital Library
16 Digital Library at the University of Pennsylvania
17 Digital Library of India(1)
18 Digital Library of India(2)
19 IEEE Computer Society's Dgital Library
20 IET(Institution of Engineering and Technology) Digital Library
21 International Children's Digital Library

Photo Gallary