President Message
President Message

Dr. Annasaheb G.D. Bandale Mahavidyalaya, the pioneering institute of the LEWA EDUCATION UNION, has been one of the most favoured one. It has kept its high standard of education right from its inception in 1916. To begin with the union established “Lewa Boarding House” for boys. Later the Hostel was converted into a women’s hostel. This was done to attract & enable rural, predominantly educationally challenged womenfolk to have access to higher education at a district place. Looking back it can be safely said that the purpose has been satisfactorily served. Soon after, the union started opening of educational institutions for women at the place in a phased manner & as on date opportunities for education are available for women from K.G. to P.G. courses under one roof.
Today, it is one of the premier academic institutions in Khandesh region, committed to achieve the highest academic standards. It is due to the dedicated efforts of its teaching and non-teaching members. As an academician, I believe that the reputation of this institute lies in the fact that it provides an opportunity to choose and enroll in academic programmes that are best suited to the students. Known for its educational, cultural, social and spiritual enterprises, it also offers an education that promotes innovation, kindles creativity and instills ethical practices.
As per the aspirations of Late Dr. Annasaheb Bendale, the college is marching towards higher goals in education and I am confident, in the present competitive environment, only the fittest will survive. Hence, this Dr.A.G.D. Bendale college will emerge as one of the best educational institutes in this country.
We are committed to making the world a better place for everyone through education, contributing to improving human values, and bettering our relationships!
I wish all the good luck for the future endeavors and and look forward to seeing you on campus at Jalgaon.
- President