LEU's AGDBMM, Jalgaon

Lewa Educational Union's

Dr. Annasaheb G.D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon

An 'Autonomus College' Affiliated to K.B.C North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade (3rd Cycle) with CGPA 3.12, ISO:2015 Certified Institution


Students Services And Activities

Bridge Course

Teachers from all departments identify certain topics to be taught to the first year students. These topics are taught at the beginning of the session before the introduction of the prescribed syllabus. These selected topics are normally the basics of the “to be taught syllabus”. This helps the students to comprehend the curriculum properly.

Remedial Coaching Scheme

Remedial coaching classes are conducted regularly for the benefit of academically challenged students.

Computer Literacy Programme

Computer Literacy Programme – The college computer laboratories are very well equipped with latest versions & up-to-date software. The Computer Department has on its own started a short duration “Computer Literacy Programme” for the benefit of desirous students from all faculties and for staff members as well. This effort has helped many students and staff members gain basic knowledge about the computer.

Competitive Examination Guidance Centre

To create awareness amongst the students of North Maharashtra University region competitive examination centre of the college conducts ‘Jidnyasa’ ( Civil services) examination. Students from all over Maharashtra appear for the exam. Prizes over rupees one lakh are distributed among the students. For this examination ‘Jidnyasa’ a book for competitive examination is published by the college. The book is written by the college teachers and is very useful for all types of competitive examination.

Personality Development

Extra curricular activities through various committees such as Arts Circle, Debating Committee, Science Association, Yuvati Sabha etc. are continuously organized in the college. The committees provide platform and opportunities for students overall development.

Study tours and Excursions

faculty and department wise educational tours are arranged for students.

Students Diary

A student’s diary is provided to every admitted student. It contains the information about career related websites and detailed academic calendar for the academic year. Besides, the students are required to fill up the details of the day-to-day activities on the campus.

Student's Council and Placement Cell

At the time of admission, the college constitutes an Admission Committee from among the teachers to assist and guide the students in filling up admission forms, in the selection of faculty, subject combination etc. Parents who accompany their wards at the time of admission are also actively involved. College has IQ testing and Counselling Centre for the advice and guidance on academic, psychological problems and personal matters.

Cultural and Extra Curricular Activities

Under the guidance and monitoring of the Arts Circle, a continuous process of Cultural Activities goes on in the campus. The students are encouraged to participate in different cultural activities, the best of which are selected for the college Annual Gathering and “Yuvarang”, the youth festival of North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. Similarly, extracurricular activities like elocution, debating, easy writing, science-quiz, commerce quiz etc are organized by Debating Club, the Science Association etc. Our students have also made a mark in “Avishkar”, a research oriented competition by North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon.

Disha counselling

In every academic year students Council is constituted as per the provisions of the University Act. Students Council is actively involved in all students related activities and projects. The Council acts as a medium between the Principal and the students in general. All problems concerning the students are discussed thoroughly during meetings over the academic year.


National Cadet Corps, operational in the college selects 53 students in the unit every year. Various activities are conducted by the unit under the supervision of N.C.C. Officer. Enrollment in N.C.C. helps in the enrichment of the personality of the students.


The college has National Service Scheme which enrolls 240 students every year. This is managed by Assistant Programme Officers and a Programme Officer. Under the scheme various activities are conducted that aim at enhancing students participation in nation building through social work, sense of responsibility, tolerance and co-operation.

Grievance Redressal Cell

Students approach the Principal directly or through suggestions boxes placed at convenient location on the campus for the redressal of their grievances. Besides, a Grievance Redressal Cell is constituted every year and remains functional throughout the session.

Alumni Association

Alumni Association functions as a nodal agency for maintaining liaison with the Alumnae. Efforts are on to involve ex students in the development of the college by undertaking and facilitating conferences, seminars, lectures involvement in cultural programmes and meetings amongst alumni, students and faculty.

Prevention of Sexual Harassment Committee

As per the norms of the University, this committee is functional on the campus and any student having complaint in this regard can approach the committee.

Career Guidance and Placement cell

The cell is active on the campus to guide the students for job opportunities. The cell also arranges campus interviews.

Continuous Assessment

We believe that continuous assessment and evaluation of the students is essential for achieving the objective of quality education. Periodical Tests, Tutorials, Home Assignments, Seminars, Group Discussion, Presentations and Mid-semester tests are used for assessing the students performance continuously. The performance of the students in extra curricular activities, co-curricular activities an extension activities is also taken into account and recorded.

Participation in Exhibitions and Quiz Competitions

Participation in various educational exhibitions and quiz competitions is another area where college takes special efforts to give more exposure to the students.

Cash Awards and recognitions

We believe that encouragement is key booster to students overall performance and hence we have instituted special cash awards to rank holders from the college funds and through financial assistance from donors.

Games & Sports

The college has facility for games like Basketball, Volley ball, Badminton, Table Tennis and Softball on the campus. For major outdoor games like football, hockey and cricket the playgroud of the stadium adjacent to the college is available to the students. Students have done well in sports at all College / University / State/ National and international level competitions. The college has bagged the award of ‘Best Women’s College in sport’ in North Maharashtra University for 5 consecutive years.

Suggestions Boxes

The suggestions boxes are kept on the campus. Valuable suggestions of students received through suggestions boxed are implemented.

Photocopy Facility

Photocopy facility is available for the students at reasonable rates in the college library and office.

Communication Facility

PCO is available for students.

Vehicle Parking

There is a spacious parking for students & the staff.

  • Earn and Learn Scheme
  • Vidyarthi Sahayak Samiti
  • One Rupee Scheme
  • Departmental Library
  • Consumer Store