LEU's AGDBMM, Jalgaon

Lewa Educational Union's

Dr. Annasaheb G.D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon

An 'Autonomus College' Affiliated to K.B.C North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade (3rd Cycle) with CGPA 3.12, ISO:2015 Certified Institution



Message from the Principal

In this critical situation of COVID-19 we all teachers & students should be ready for transformation. As a teacher & student we need to know new teaching technology and learning skills, adopt new technologies and to see that all on line academic and examination activities will be there as we performed them before COVID-19 pandemic.

For this the first and very important thing is we should develop our mindset. Positivity should be there in our every action. It’s a temporary disaster and as we manage other disasters, we will manage this also. So, not to be panic ‘be positive and be active’. Focus on your healthy diet, regular exercise and meditation. This all will help to come out of this situation successfully.

Our college is dedicated for women education. This reflects in our vision and mission. Each and every member of Dr. Annasaheb G. D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon family is bound for this.

Apart from traditional education, skill education is equally important so we have dedicated ‘School of Skill Development’, which is offering Diploma, Advance Diploma and Degree programmes in Beauty Therapy and Fashion Designing, besides few other short term career oriented courses. Besides this, School of Design & Art and Centre for Mass Media & Foreign Languages have also been established on the campus to provide professional education and training to the students. Here we have B. Voc. Course in Beauty Therapy, Fashion Designing, Electronic Media, Photography & Videography, Film Making & Dramatics, Sports Nutrition & Physiotherapy and Financial Management.

These facilities are unique in the jurisdiction of Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon. This will defiantly help our students for employment or entrepreneurship. Many more courses are going to add in future. I wish you all a very healthy academic environment.

I wish you the best and look forward to seeing you on campus

- Prof. Dr. Gauri Rane - Principal
Principal's Desk Principal's Desk