LEU's AGDBMM, Jalgaon

Lewa Educational Union's

Dr. Annasaheb G.D. Bendale Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jalgaon

An 'Autonomus College' Affiliated to K.B.C North Maharashtra University Jalgaon
NAAC Accredited 'A' Grade (3rd Cycle) with CGPA 3.12, ISO:2015 Certified Institution



The faculties are actively engaged in research & development. Our aim is to promote research activities among teachers as well as students. Teachers are motivated for doctoral research, post doctoral research, paper presentation at seminar and conferences, minor and major research projects and Students are encouraged to participate in various research project competition, seminars, conferences and workshops.

Infrastructural facilities are provided for conducting quality research and providing research related services and consultancy to other institution, the College IQAC has taken decision to establish Common Research and Instrumentation Centre which functions as a one stop solution for research related services and facility. The Common Research and Instrumentation Centre have analytical instrumentation section and general instrumentation section.

The analytical instrumentation section is equipped with DST-FIST and UGC funded sophisticated instruments like Agilent FTIR, Ultrasonic Cleaner, UV-Spectrometer, Precise Digital Balance, Fluorescent Microscope, etc; whereas the general instrumentation section includes instruments like Spin Coater, Penta-head Microscopes, Furnaces, hot air furnace, Tissue Processors, etc.

The established Common Research and Instrumentation Centre will help to strengthen the research activities in the institution. The centre also provides consultancy services to outside agencies. Till now the centre has characterized more than 150 samples through which centre has raised some funds.

Research Promotion Scheme for Budding Researchers

|From the academic year 2021-22 , the Research Promotion Scheme for budding researchers implemented in the college. This golden opportunity provided to the students to meet the challenges of rapidly changing world through participation in the scheme. To nurture the students to rise at national and international horizons, ‘ Research Promotion Scheme for Budding Researchers ' is an innovation for developing research aptitude amongst students.

The aims of this scheme are to educate the students about research methodology.

The objectives of the scheme are as follows –

1) To motivate the students for undertaking research projects.

2) To experience them to the research methodology.

3) To present their research at various platforms eg. Avishkar etc.

In the initiative year 56 students participated in the scheme and successfully completed 23 research projects under the guidance of 24 faculty members.

Under the guidance of the Principal Dr. Gauri Rane, Prof. Dr. V.J Patil (Vice principal) led the scheme. Further, Dr. Sanjay Baviskar, Dr. Prashant Patil and Dr. Sanjay Rankhambe coordinated the scheme for the faculties of Science, Commerce & Management, Humanities and Social sciences respectively.

In the academic year 2021-22, under this scheme, 09 departments of the college successfully completed 23 budding research Projects.

Sr.No Departments Number of completed research projects in academic year 21-22
1 Economics 04
2 Psychology 03
3 Commerce and Management 03
4 English 02
5 Hindi 02
6 Cehemistry 03
7 Physics 02
8 Electronics 02
9 Computer Science 02
Total 23

The research projects were evaluated from external experts & prizes were given to the selected projects. All participating students, research guides, convener & faculty coordinators were get certificates.

To appreciate all the participated students, the college organized the prize distribution ceremony on 2 nd August 2022. All the winners of this scheme felicitated and encouraged in the ceremony. Prof. Dr. V. S. Zope , Principal, Khandesh Education Society’s P.G. College of Science , Technology and Rerearch , Jalgaon graced the ceremony as a chief guest. He inspired to all students and teachers of the college.


Sophisticated Instrumentation Room

Agilent FTIR

Digital Balance

UV Spectrometer

Spin Coater

Flurocent Microscope

Laser Setup

Spin Coater

Ultrasonic Cleaner

Sr No. Title View Pdf
1 Code of Ethics - UGC View
2 UGC Academic Integrity and Plagiarism View
3 List of Research Projects View
4 List of Registered Ph.D. Students View
5 List of Publications View